How Does a Retainer for Mouthguard Differ From the Normal Kind?
If you’re searching for an orthodontist in Hamilton, NJ, Bordentown can assist you with whatever you might need for your mouth and teeth, including getting a retainer or mouthguard. They are two different things, though, so it’s important to know the difference to help ensure you are getting the right one.
Our orthodontist can also take a look at any issues you might be having and can let you know if you need a mouthguard or not. A retainer is almost always necessary after braces or other dental work, but you will need to be fitted for it so that it covers your teeth well and does not cause you any issues.
Mouthguards and Retainers
A night guard and plastic retainers often look alike, but they serve very different purposes. A retainer is used to keep your teeth in the correct place, but a mouthguard is used to protect the teeth. This is a very simple explanation, but we will go into more depth later.
How Do Night Guards Work?
A night guard is a type of retainer for the mouth that protects the teeth. Night guards can be worn on the upper or lower teeth. They are only worn during the night and protect the teeth from being clenched or ground together.
Night guards are made from rubber that is then covered in tough plastic. Some are not covered in plastic, though, if your teeth grinding is not very severe. The dentist will be able to let you know what kind of mouth guard you are in need of and how it will look and feel.
All night guards are made from plastic, but some are made from soft plastic, while others are made from hard plastic. If you grind your teeth very hard, you will need a tough retainer with very hard plastic.
While you can buy night guards over the counter or online, we recommend you get one from the dentist.
Getting one from the dentist means it’s the perfect fit for you and will do a better job of protecting your teeth from injury and problems.
The dentist can also let you know which night guard you need, whereas if you buy one over the counter, you can get one that is not the right one for your needs.
What are Night Guards Used For?
The main reason people need nightguards is because of teeth grinding. This is called Bruxism. Most of the time, people grind their teeth while they are asleep, but it can also happen occasionally when the person is awake.
Grinding your teeth causes the teeth to rub together, which can wear them down over time. This can also cause issues with your jaw, and things like chewing and eating can become difficult.
A night guard is worn to cover the teeth so that when you grind your teeth at night, the teeth are not experiencing any friction from being rubbed together.
The Purpose of Retainers
Now that we have explained night guards and what they are used for, you might be curious about retainers and how they are different. Retainers are used to keep your teeth in the same position.
For example, when you get braces removed, the orthodontist will give you retainers to wear on your teeth to keep the teeth from shifting. You usually have to wear these retainers all day for a few weeks, and then you can begin only wearing them at night.
Sometimes, you might be given a permanent retainer if there is a section of your teeth that could move easily. This will allow the teeth to always stay in the same position so you can keep your perfect, confident smile.
Retainers are often uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to them after a few weeks. You will also remove them when eating or drinking. Make sure to put them in their case when you’re not wearing them so they do not get lost.
Wearing a Retainer for Teeth Grinding
If you already wear a retainer, you might be thinking that you can use it to protect your teeth from grinding as well. This might be okay for minor cases, but most of the time, you will need a night guard with more durable plastic to protect your teeth from rubbing and grinding together.
If you know you grind your teeth, you will need to get a night guard because, eventually, you can wear down the plastic of the retainer, and then it will not be doing its job of keeping your teeth in place.
Wearing a Retainer and Night Guard
Sometimes, people might need a retainer and a night guard. You cannot wear them at the same time, though. Most orthodontists will recommend that you alternate wearing them but make sure to talk to your doctor as they might have a different plan for you. They can also help you to make a schedule of when to wear each one.
Most night guards do not fit tightly enough to be used as a retainer, so you will need to get both and wear them accordingly. Just make sure to always consult with the dentist before switching one for the other.
If you notice you have holes in your retainer or that the plastic seems to be breaking down, this can also be a sign that you are grinding your teeth. Your dentist and orthodontist will also be able to tell if you grind your teeth, and then you can get a mouthguard.
Final Thoughts
For all your retainer and mouthguard needs, come to Bordentown Braces. We offer many different solutions for those needing to be fitted for the right retainers and mouthguards.
If you’re not sure if you need one or if you need one or the other, we can examine your mouth and let you know which one is best. We also do retainer replacements if you lose yours and need to be fitted for a new one.
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