COVID-19 Procedures
1. Complete Screening Form
Every patient must complete the Wellness Screening, Patient Advisory & Acknowledgement form, linked below, within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment and not prior.
Select your home office….
Wellness Screening Form must be received day before the appointment
If you are sick, have a fever, or someone in your house is sick, please stay home and call us to reschedule at 609-291-8555 (Bordentown) or 609-286-7500 (Cream Ridge).
2. Sign-In Via Text 609-910-5584
TEXT us when you arrive for your appointment. Please wait in your vehicle until we text you that your treatment area is ready.
If you are accompanying a child that is receiving a new appliance then one parent will be asked to come in once it is time to review care instructions. One parent may also be present at an initial consultation, or to accompany a child under 8 years old. No siblings or friends will be allowed.
3. Wear a Mask
Please bring your own mask and wear it to your appointment. Leave the mask on until your treatment begins. Federal and State guidelines for social distancing and wearing masks in businesses continue, so bring the mask you have been using. If the patient requires an adult to accompany them, the adult MUST wear a mask. Our Team will be wearing masks and face shields to protect them.
4. Touchless Temperature Reading
Your temperature will be taken by staff using a touchless thermometer. If your temp is over 99.6 degrees F, you will be asked to leave and not return for the specified 14-day self-quarantine requirement.
5. Maintain Social Distancing
Please maintain the 6-foot social distancing guidelines when in the office until seated in the treatment chair. The tooth-brushing station will be used as a hand-washing/sanitizing station required of every patient before being seated. No tooth-brushing, only hand-washing. The patient restroom will be closed, so please prepare for that before arrival. Patients will also be given a 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide rinse prior to beginning their treatment.
Patients will be seated every-other-chair in the office to maintain social distancing. We ask for understanding while we will try to address all of your treatment needs during your visit. Individuals with multiple broken brackets may not have everything completed during this visit due to strict scheduling times and restrictions on aerosol procedures.
6. Schedule Follow Up
At the completion of the appointment the assistant will dismiss you from the office and you to the exit. You will receive an update from our team. The front desk will text/call you to schedule your next visit as we will NOT be stopping at the front desk. Please make your follow-up appointment while you are still in the parking lot of our office. Despite adding hours and days to our normal work week, our appointment intervals may be longer than usual for a few months while we are still under social distancing recommendations. Waiting to make a follow up appointment will only extend that interval.
If a payment is due the day of the appointment, you will be texted. We will be able to take credit card payments over the phone while your child is being treated. If you have other front desk related questions, we are happy to follow up with you via phone or text.
WE LOVE OUR PATIENTS! We also love to chat with you at your appointment. Please understand that conversations will be significantly reduced to allow for social distancing. If you have any specific questions you would like addressed during the appointment, please call ahead of the appointment to make note of your questions. Dr. Newman or a member of our team will contact you after the patient is seen. Our team will be using additional PPE in the clinical area, we will not be able to leave the treatment area to speak with you.
We will take the temperatures of every team member, including Dr. Newman, immediately upon arrival at work, and after lunch. Any team member at 99.6 F or above will go home. Every team member will answer the same Wellness Questionnaire that our patients are required to answer, and will do so every day. If any questions disqualify the team member, they will be sent home following the same procedures we are asking our patients to follow.
We realize that this “New Normal” will not be easy for all of us. And, we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. We are so grateful for every one of our patients, and this is why we are taking your safety VERY seriously. We value your trust and loyalty, and are privileged to serve you and the community. We promise to do everything in our power to keep you all safe, healthy and treatment progressing.
If you would like more details regarding our changes to office visits during Covid-19, please click HERE.