5 Arguments to Use Against Your Child When They’re Opposed to Kid Braces
Kid braces are an extremely common orthodontic treatment to help your child improve conditions like teeth alignment, cross-bite, and other oral health problems. Giving your kids braces at a young age can set them up for success as they get older.
However, your child might have some objections when it comes to wearing braces. Every parent knows that winning an argument against a child can get frustrating quickly. The more comfortable you make your child about wearing braces, the more likely they are to care for their oral health throughout their life.
Please continue reading to learn four key arguments you can use against your child when they’re opposed to kid braces. Our tips will make it easier for your child to accept this orthodontic treatment.
Common Reasons Kids Don’t Want Braces
Before you start dismantling your child’s argument, it’s important to understand why they don’t want braces. It’s common for children to be apprehensive about a new situation, especially regarding dental hygiene and oral health. The following are the most common reasons children feel wary about wearing braces.
Social Stigma
Many children are worried that their peers will make fun of them if they show up to school with a set of braces. It’s important to remind your children in these situations that braces are completely normal, and most children need to wear them at some point. Also, remind them that they’ll go through less teasing throughout their life after wearing adolescent braces.
Fear Of Pain
Most people have a natural fear of being in pain, and wearing braces is known to be uncomfortable. Keep your child informed that the pain they experience in braces is temporary and minimal. Remind them that you will bring them back to the orthodontist for adjustments if things get too painful.
Reassuring your child about wearing braces and not experiencing much pain will help.
Fear of Dentist
Children being scared of a dentist or an orthodontist is a common occurrence. That’s why it’s important for you to find a pediatric orthodontist with a great bedside manner. The sooner you can get your child comfortable receiving health treatment, the more likely they will pursue it as they age into adulthood.
1. Kid Braces Will Boost Their Confidence
The first argument you can use against your child to argue the case for braces is that they will boost their confidence. Children who experience teeth misalignment or crossbite often experience low self-esteem that can be easily improved with kid braces. Helping your child understand the potential boost of confidence they’ll experience could be a great motivation for them.
2. Kid Braces are Customizable
You can use an online braces color chooser to show your child how customizable they are. For example, if your child enjoys wearing a lot of pink or green, you can choose these braces colors to match most of their outfits. When your child gets to customize their braces, it’ll help them feel confident and have fun with their dental health.
3. Bigger Smiles
Smiling often is extremely good for mental health. Teach your child about the benefits of smiling and how having crooked teeth could impact the amount of time they spend smiling. Many people with oral problems don’t feel confident enough to showcase their big smiles. People who smile often are perceived well by their peers.
4. Win Over Their Future Crushes
It’s no secret that having straight teeth is attractive to many people. As your child gets older, they will develop crushes, even while they are in elementary or middle school. Tell your kid that wearing kid braces sooner will help them win over their future crushes with their straight smile after the treatment.
Also, remind your child that they might have to deal with adult braces later if they don’t get braces now.
Even though adult races are becoming more popular among older generations, putting braces on your child as soon as possible is preferable. The sooner oral health problems are treated, the less likely they will negatively impact your child’s welfare.
5. Easier To Brush Teeth
Even though brushing your teeth while wearing braces can be difficult, it’s much easier to brush them after they’re removed. Children with misaligned teeth struggle to get between and prevent ailments like tooth decay. If your child has difficulty flossing, they could benefit from braces that straighten their teeth into the proper place.
Kid braces will make it much easier for your child to go about their oral hygiene routine daily. Let them know that brushing their teeth and flossing will be easier after removing their braces. If your child struggles with these problems, they will immediately see the benefits of kid braces.
Open Yourself Up for Questions
Before you talk with your child about getting kid braces, it would be best to inform yourself about the topic. Your child might have plenty of questions regarding this oral health treatment before they’re open to trying it. Below are some of the most common questions children ask about braces.
- Do braces hurt?
- How long do I need to wear braces?
- Can I customize my braces?
- Can I get adolescent teeth aligners?
After you prepare yourself with answers to these questions, you’re ready to talk to your child about getting kid braces. When you show your child that you’re confident about this treatment, they will understand it’s okay. Keep your head high during this conversation, and stay firm on your argument while you talk to them.
Final Thoughts
Getting kid braces is an excellent way to improve your child’s oral health and make them feel more comfortable. If you notice your child struggles to eat or complains about mouth pain, it would be best to bring them to a pediatric orthodontist.
A professional can help you determine which treatments work best for your child and answer any important questions. Prepare yourself for an open discussion with your child about adolescent braces before visiting an orthodontist.
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